This page contains background material about renewable energy, wind, solar, coal, natural gas
The "official" definition of renewable energy
ChatGpt says:
Renewable energy refers to energy obtained from resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. These energy sources are considered environmentally friendly and sustainable because they do not deplete over time and generally produce less pollution compared to conventional fossil fuels. (Really means energy the Sierra Club likes.)
There are about 30 states with renewable portfolio laws that define renewable energy
Hydroelectricity is the most practical form of renewable energy although scalability is limited to good sites. Most states rule out hydroelectricity if a dam is involved and it really doesn't work without dams. That leaves wind and solar as the scalable choices although the crippling drawback is their intermittent nature. Geothermal isn't intermittent but good sites like the Geysers in California are rare. Most sites are not hot enough and wear out as the rocks cool down. Biomass is burning wood. Works fine in rural areas with limited population for heating. Can't provide massive energy for modern countries. All the forests would be cut down. My favorite renewable energy is garbage dump methane extracted from decaying landfills. Not scalable.
Is Wind Power Good for Anything?
Wind power or windmills are great for pumping water. For example, the Dutch used them to dry out their below sea level plots. They were used in the great plains to pump water from wells into cattle watering troughs. The key is that intermittency is not a problem for these applications. Intermittency for the electric grid is a disaster.
Is Solar Power Good for Anything?
It's great for heating swimming pools. The collectors are not electric but black sheets thermally connected to water flowing through them. The water is warmed by a few degrees and cumulatively the temperature of the pool rises over days. PV panels work pretty well for roadside emergency telephones or for stop signs with flashing LED's. These require little power so a small battery can ride out the intermittency. It also works for off grid houses with battery assist, often backed up with a generator that fills in for prolonged cloudy spells. Such houses typically have very low needs for electricity - no heating and no air conditioning via electricity. For the electric grid intermittency is a disaster and a big enough battery would cost trillions and be completely impossible from a cost point of view. For the electric grid solar is usually backed by fossil fuels and costs 5 times as much as fossil fuels.
Technology Gone Wild
Modern tech for utility scale wind and solar is quite impressive. The main problem is that it has no purpose. It's impracticably expensive and won't affect the global warming imaginary problem.
Running Out of Things
Commodities averaged 3.09% annual inflation since 1930 compared to the overall inflation rate of 3.57%.
Climate Change
It used to be called global warming, but they had to change the name because the Earth wasn't warming for a long period. Academic climate science professors realized that prophesizing a climate disaster has a big payoff. Who else to give money to, to investigate the danger, other than climate scientists? Climate scientists with low pay toiling away in basement offices suddenly became stars jetting around the world first class.
Back in the 60's climate scientists were predicting a new ice age, something they always try to deny. There will be a new ice age but we have to wait for thousands of years and no one is going to get excited about that. Currently they are predicting excessive global warming.
Then the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was started, a part of the United Nations. The IPCC creates a new report every few years that nobody reads because it is thousands of pages long. The reports imply that a climate catastrophe is pending. Real science can be explained in 20 pages, but fake science requires thousands of pages.
The IPCC fancied itself the conscience of the world. It's president for many years was an Indian railroad engineer Rajendra Pachauri, shown on the left below in the first photo, publicizing his pornographic book Return to Almora. Not that there is anything wrong with writing pornographic books.
After leaving the IPCC Pachauri got in serious trouble in India for allegedly making sexual advances to woman 1/3 his age employed by the organization he headed. He died before the lengthy investigation was complete. The second photo shows Al Gore and Pacchauri accepting the Nobel peace prize. Gore got half the prize, the other half went to the IPCC. Pachauri is accepting the prize for the IPCC . The Nobel peace prize has gone to many fashionable crackpots and phonies over the years. It has nothing to do with science. After the IPCC got the prize anyone with some connection to the IPCC started claiming to be Nobel laureates. Gore is a politician without scientific background, but the author of a self-promoting book about the alleged pending climate catastrophe. Gore managed to become very rich through his work as a climate catastrophe promoter.
It used to be called global warming, but they had to change the name because the Earth wasn't warming for a long period. Academic climate science professors realized that prophesizing a climate disaster has a big payoff. Who else to give money to, to investigate the danger, other than climate scientists? Climate scientists with low pay toiling away in basement offices suddenly became stars jetting around the world first class.
Back in the 60's climate scientists were predicting a new ice age, something they always try to deny. There will be a new ice age but we have to wait for thousands of years and no one is going to get excited about that. Currently they are predicting excessive global warming.
Then the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was started, a part of the United Nations. The IPCC creates a new report every few years that nobody reads because it is thousands of pages long. The reports imply that a climate catastrophe is pending. Real science can be explained in 20 pages, but fake science requires thousands of pages.
The IPCC fancied itself the conscience of the world. It's president for many years was an Indian railroad engineer Rajendra Pachauri, shown on the left below in the first photo, publicizing his pornographic book Return to Almora. Not that there is anything wrong with writing pornographic books.
After leaving the IPCC Pachauri got in serious trouble in India for allegedly making sexual advances to woman 1/3 his age employed by the organization he headed. He died before the lengthy investigation was complete. The second photo shows Al Gore and Pacchauri accepting the Nobel peace prize. Gore got half the prize, the other half went to the IPCC. Pachauri is accepting the prize for the IPCC . The Nobel peace prize has gone to many fashionable crackpots and phonies over the years. It has nothing to do with science. After the IPCC got the prize anyone with some connection to the IPCC started claiming to be Nobel laureates. Gore is a politician without scientific background, but the author of a self-promoting book about the alleged pending climate catastrophe. Gore managed to become very rich through his work as a climate catastrophe promoter.
To show that the IPCC science is fake it is only necessary to mention ensembles of climate models. There is not enough space here to go into details.
Book: The Delinquent Teenage who was mistaken for the world's top climate expert by Donna Laframboise
This book tears apart the IPCC claims that is a serious scientific enterprise. The IPCC claims only to use peer reviewed papers, but the IPPC reports violate this claim repeatedly. The IPCC is revealed as using graduate students rather than senior experts as lead authors. The IPCC's own rules are simply ignored.
Professor Paul Reiter, an Expert on mosquito borne diseases, describes his experience as an IPCC expert when he was a member of a committee writing about malaria even though the other members of the committee were entirely ignorant about the subject. Professor Reiter resigned in protest. The IPCC claimed that climate change would spread Malaria, a claim not supported by science.
Numerous scientists have pointed out the political nature of the IPCC but are ignored.